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  5. Invoice

Freelancer Invoice

2821 Kensington Road,

Avondale Estates, GA 30002 USA.

Order Date : 11/05/2023
Order ID : # 23654789
Billed To :
Joe Smith
795 Folsom Ave
San Francisco, CA 94107
P: (123) 456-7890
Shipped To:
Joe Smith
795 Folsom Ave
San Francisco, CA 94107
P: (123) 456-7890
Project Breakdown Hours Rate Subtotal Action
Project Design

It is a long established fact.

60 $50 $300.00 Edit Delete

It is a long established fact.

100 $50 $500.00 Edit Delete
Testing & Bug Fixing

It is a long established fact.

10 $20 $200.00 Edit Delete
Sub Total $10,000.00
Text 00%
Total $10,000.00
Terms And Condition :
  • 1. All accounts are to be paid within 7 days from receipt of invoice.
  • 2. To be paid by cheque or credit card or direct payment online.
  • 3. If account is not paid within 7 days the credits details supplied as confirmation of work undertaken will be charged the agreed quoted fee noted above.
Account Manager


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