Orders #234755

15 March 2024 at 09:45 am from draft orders

Item Price Quantity Total

Royal Purse Pure Lether 100%

$80 3 $240

Apple Watch Size-05 (Model 2021)

$100 1 $100

Cosco Vollyboll size-04 (Model 2021)

$20 4 $80

Reebok Shoes size-08 (Model 2021)

$50 10 $500

Morden Chair Size-Mediam (Model 2021)

$70 2 $140

Bought - Awaiting Delivery

Order Created

15 Feb 2024, 11:30 AM

On Delivery

18 Feb 2024, 05:15 PM

Order Delivered

20 Feb 2024, 01:00 PM

Note : Ship all the ordered item together by monday and i send you an email please check. Thanks!

Order Summary

Payment pending

Items subtotal :


Discount :


Tax :


Subtotal :


Shipping Cost :


Total :


Order Information

Username :


Full Name :

Don Flowers

Email :


Total Payment :

$2450 ($30 for transportation)

Order Date :

31 Dec 2023

Delivery Date :

05 Jan 2024

Courier :

FedEx Corporation

Address :

718 Bingamon Branch Road
Central Valley, NY 10917

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